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So, it's been a busy few months, and kind of a period of reflection in many ways. Earlier this year I completed an album dedicated to vocal tracks, Times Like These, which I am very happy with, it being a collection of reworked older songs, brand new songs and the odd vocal track which have peppered my electronic releases of the last ten years. It came out better than I had hoped and there may be enough material left over to do a similar project somewhere down the line too!

In the spirit of looking back I then decided to release a compilation of the last ten years of my electronic music, Expecting Silence. I'm was really pleased with it but was aware that space restrictions had really constricted my choices, so much so that a few days after completing it I heard another track of mine that I immediately knew had to mean that I should make another compilation. Consequently in short measure the second compilation appeared, For the Future For the Past.

So I'm really happy to have these two out there as representative of the last ten years of my electronic output, and the music I have been producing since is another new direction which I'm looking forward to revealing soon!

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