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2018 already!

Woah! Can't believe that 2018 has come round and we're already getting towards the end of February!

I've been a bit quiet on the music front of late partly due to issues outside of music but partly due to some experimenting and learning that I've been undergoing with new outboard equipment. Sold all my Volca synths and bought an Elektron Analog Keys - sounds great but I'm still getting my head round it. Got some things I've started on an old Electribe too, and shortly i've got a Maschine Mikro 2 arriving with me, so it could be a while before these are all integrated properly.

In the meantime though I've started an undertaking that I had thought I might put off for a while but am now very happy to be involved in which is compiling into albums tracks of mine that feature vocals. This project is going to be a mixture of remastering old stuff, reviving some old songs I've never recorded, re-recording old stuff with new vocals, and digging out more recent tracks for inclusion.

There are a lot of tracks to consider so there will be more than one album but I've Just listened to the first prospective album from this project which is a mixture of old songs revived and done in a new way, more recent tracks and a golden oldie, and it sounds great! So I'm very excited to be moving into the final stages of completing songs, mixing and mastering. It will be a little while yet but the end is in sight!

After that i shall probably take a break from the vocals project for a while and write some new instrumental music, although who knows, everything might end up with vocals now..!

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